It's that time of year again where I've finished my year at University and my art career picks up! Except this time, I'm completely done and graduated (from music school, of all things) and I'm diving into being a fulltime artist! That means more commissions, more personal works, and more types of art! Are you seeing where this is going?
I'm now introducing a few new things to my portfolio and that means, for the customer, more to choose from. First of all, cartoon and tattoo designs are now available in colored marker. I will be posting updates on that within the very new future. The next exciting thing is concept work (character sketches/poses) and digital transparencies for line art. Why? Because over the past 5 months I've gotten over 40 e-mails asking about this kind of art. I'm not exaggerating! So I learned how to do it. Once again, examples coming soon.
So at this point, you all may be twisting your hands in frustration and going "Mel, what DO you have examples of?" Excellent question!
Wedding art!
That's right, I'm starting up on wedding art. A portrait of that special day. Here is the debut image! It's a bit of an... interesting-quality scan, but it works for its purpose! Same price as all other portraits, plus I'm still working out some of the logistics like where my reference is coming from. In this case, it's a professional photographer's photo that I used, but I'm considering offering to come out and take my own reference photos because I don't know what people would prefer. Opinions are welcome!